When Caldera released, first circle loadouts were removed. You could no longer purchase a loadout in the first circle, it only became available after the first global loadout drop event. The community quickly replied to this change with great criticism. Now, around two months after the Caldera update, first circle loadouts are back!

Raven Software, the developers of Warzone, released an update today reverting one of their most discussed changes. Players can now, in standard battle royale modes only, purchase loadouts from the start of the game. Further, the global free loadout drop events will still occur after the first circle. Players can now purchase loadout drops as soon as they accumulate $10,000.

In addition to this change, Raven has also made other updates to Warzone. Raven revealed the featured playlists for the weeks of February 3rd and February 10th. The playlist update introduced on February 10th will run until only the 13th. This is because on February 14th, Season 2 of Vanguard and Warzone will officially kick off. This is delayed 12 days from the originally planned start date of the season.

Additionally, Raven has implemented two bug fixes with today’s update. The first will eliminate collision issues on Caldera allowing players to exploit, peek through, and shoot through various elements. Additionally, players will no longer freeze on the free battle pass tier skip screen.
With Season 2 around the corner, players should expect further changes on the horizon.

To read more about this update, click here for Raven Software’s blog post.
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