Vanguard Season 2 begins four days from the time of writing on February 14th, 2022. As with all new seasons, players can expect plenty of new content across Call of Duty titles. Some of this content, however, is available now in Vanguard custom games! Players can now experience and experiment with two of Vanguard’s new maps and weapons.

One of the new maps available at launch of the new season is Casablanca. Based in a Moroccan marketplace, players should expect gunfights at all ranges with great verticality. This map will be reminiscent of the three-lane-style typical of Call of Duty.

Casablanca is not the only new map with Season 2 however. Additionally, players can take the battle to Gondola. The power-plant calls for close-quarters combat whereas the gondola route provides long-range engagements. Players can travel on the gondola over a gulch and fire watchtower. However, players should watch their step and make sure they get off the gondola before it sends them over the cliff.

Also available for players to try out are the new equipment and perks. The new sticky bomb lethal equipment, which some players will remember as the semtex, is available for use. Further, players can also try out the new armory and mechanic perks. Players can also try out the new Ball Turret Gunner killstreak, reminiscent of the streak from 2017’s CoD: WWII.

Arguably the most exciting Season 2 additions that can be used now are the new weapons. Players can now experiment with and test two new weapons. The first of these is the KG M40 assault rifle. This new AR is described as a “workhorse assault rifle, naturally steady and accurate.” From that description alone one could believe that this weapon is built for all situations.

The armory expands further with the Whitley light machine gun. This is the first addition to the LMG class since Vanguard’s launch in November. This weapon is described as a “heavy long-range machine gun, cumbersome but consistent.” Based on that description, this gun may limit movement but certainly packs a punch.

Remember, all of these are available in custom games only until the launch of Season 2.
To read more about this and all Season 2 content, click here to read Call of Duty’s blog post.
Vanguard and Warzone Season 2 is on the horizon starting in only a few days’ time. With plenty of new content on the way, Call of Duty as we know it is sure to change. To never miss a thing, be sure to connect with IPC on Twitter and Facebook. You can also follow the author of this article YxngTexas.