Weekend 2 of the Call of Duty: Vanguard Beta is now here! With updated playlists, new modes, and various gameplay fixes there is plenty of need-to-know intel! Without further ado let’s jump straight into it!
Call of Duty: Vanguard Beta Weekend 2 started off yesterday with closed access on PC and XBOX for those that have preordered Vanguard while the open beta has begun for those on PlayStation. Open beta access for PC and XBOX begins September 18th and runs until September 20th.

First to note is that all players who reach level 20 in the beta will receive the RAT-A-TAT weapon blueprint at Vanguard’s launch on November 5th.

All maps seen in Weekend 1 of the beta are returning in Weekend 2 alongside a brand new map! Eagle’s Nest, an Axis meeting house turned Allied military post enters the fray as players vie for supremacy 1834 meters above sea level.

Patrol, a game-mode new to Call of Duty is now playable in the Vanguard beta! Patrol pits two teams against each other who jockey for control of a “hardpoint” constantly moving around the map. Players enter the point to earn points for their team and move around the map with the point. With a score-limit of 200, and a time-limit of 5 minutes of non-scoring time, Patrol is sure to be an exciting change of pace.

In addition to Patrol are returning game modes Champion Hill Duos and Trios, Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Kill Confirmed. Champion Hill Solos is now available to play as well. Garnering plenty of excitement, Search and Destroy is now live for players to hop into. With plenty of modes to play, players are sure to have plenty of variety during beta Weekend 2!
For playlist updates, be sure to keep an eye on Sledgehammer Games’ Twitter.

Regarding gameplay mechanic updates between beta weekends, a few changes have been made. Visual updates have been made while audio issues have been recognized and will be fixed prior to launch. Further, an there is an increase in armor recharge rate from fast to slow alongside a decrease in armor health to 50hp.

Although progress in the beta will not carry over to Vanguard’s full release, players will be rewarded for time spent in-game. Tier skips for the Cold War and Warzone Season 5 Battle Pass are being rewarded. Players will also receive and emblem and calling card upon Vanguard’s full release.
For a full briefing on Vanguard Beta Weekend 2, click here for Sledgehammer Games’ blog post!

Plenty of exciting news and changes are on the horizon for Call of Duty. To never miss a thing, be sure to connect with IPC on Twitter and Facebook. You can also follow the author of this article YxngTexas.