Weekend one of the Call of Duty: Vanguard Beta kick off September 10th. Sledgehammer Games has released a blog post detailing updates since the Alpha and what else to expect. From visual updates and audio tuning to new modes, the Beta is sure to see some changes. New content is on the horizon as well. Weekend one of the Beta is available exclusively to PlayStation users that have preordered Vanguard. With plenty to cover let’s get right into it.

The Vanguard Alpha has ended and players have voiced their opinions on the first look at the forthcoming Call of Duty. Sledgehammer Games stated that they are implementing changes based on community feedback. Some changes were already set to be made as well. Visual and audio changes are coming that are sure to provide a more pleasurable gameplay experience. In addition, the spawn points in Champion Hill have been adjusted to prevent players from spawning close to hostile targets. Further, changes dealing with the destructible environment, nameplate visibility, and aim-assist have been made.

Plenty of new and exciting content is available during the Beta. Champion Hill returns in the Beta. Players will be able to play Champion Hill solos, duos, and trios. Three new maps in Hotel Royal, Gavutu, and Red Star will be playable. In Weekend 2, Eagle’s Nest also becomes a playable map. New game modes will be playable during the Beta as well. Patrol, a new take on Hardpoint will be available starting on Saturday of Week 1. Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Kill Confirmed are available at launch. Search and Destroy will also be available to players during Beta Weekend 2.

In Champion Hill, weapons will remain constant throughout matches. Each weapon has 10 available upgrades, each adding an attachment. There will be three rotating sets of weapons; each set has two ARs, two LMGs, two snipers, two shotguns, and two pistols. For core multiplayer, players will be able to level up weapons to level 30. Additionally, PlayStation players have two extra class slots bringing their total to 12.

Combat Pacing, a new feature, allows players to select the intensity of their games. Map size determines player count. Tactical Combat Pacing is the classic 6v6 that veterans of the franchise will recognize. Assault Combat Pacing sees lobbies of 20-28 players. Finally, Blitz Combat Pacing features lobbies of 28-48 players.

Players will get to play as six different operators during the Beta. Each operator comes with their own finishing move.
For the full briefing on the Beta, click here for Sledgehammer Game’s blog post.

More information regarding the Beta is yet to come. As more information arises, you can be sure it will be covered by IPC.
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