Season 3 of Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone continues to rage on as we move through the season. Classified Arms Reloaded, the mid-season update, is just around the corner. Call of Duty revealed some need-to-know intel about this coming update. With major changes coming to Vanguard and Warzone, there is a lot to cover.

Looking back to Verdansk, players may remember the introduction of a moving train players could ride around the map. Now, in Caldera, a similar system is being introduced. This new system, however, will work as a fast-travel system. Players will interact with circular hatches and mine carts to fast-travel around Caldera. Using different visual cues, players will be able to know what, or who, is waiting for them on the other side.

Serpentine, a perk from Call of Duty: Vanguard, is being introduced into Warzone. This perk reduces incoming damage while sprinting, making it safer to traverse around Caldera. In addition, for those marksmen that take aim at a player running Serpentine, a snake indicator will pop up after hitting someone to let the shooter know of the perk their target is using.

Three brand new items make their appearance in Warzone with the mid-season update. A Gulag Entry Token allows players a second shot at the gulag after their initial visit or cash if it is picked up after the gulag is closed. Additionally, a Redeploy Extraction Token grants players an auto-redeploy without the need for the gulag or being bought back. The Speed Boost item grants players a temporary movement buff that, if used effectively, will reward the user and their squad. Further, the Radar Jammer field upgrade will disable the mini-map and use of streaks for anyone within its radius.

First seen in Operation Monarch, High Value Loot Zones will now appear across Battle Royale games. Champion of Caldera is a new 150-player mode in which players drop in with their loadout, a gas-mask, and Redeploy Extraction Token. Moreover, the circle is always closing and the buy station is upgraded to hold more useful items. Kills in this game mode immediately refill player health, equipment, and ammo.
Rebirth Island
A new Occupation Scan in-game event during standard Rebirth Resurgence matches will have operators hitting the deck. Those who fail to go prone during one of these scans will become visible to all enemies on the mini-map and tac map. Also noted with many information redacted, it is said that operators should be ready to attack a hostile base in order to save Rebirth Island.

Sphere, the second new map in Call of Duty: Vanguard with Season 3, comes with the mid-season update. This map, with great verticality, puts players in an underground weapons lab underneath the façade of a coal mine.

A brand new operator, Kim Tae Young, joins the fight and rounds out Task Force Harpy. This mask-wearing operator will be available through the purchase of an in-store bundle. Further, her preferred weapon is the brand new H4 Blixen. This slow-firing SMG combines power and mobility to make it a great weapon choice. To unlock, players either complete an in-game challenge (3 Slide Kills in a single match 15 times with an SMG) or by purchasing an in-store bundle.
In addition to this, many new in-store bundles will be available for purchase to allow players to further customize their operators, armory, and profiles.

To read more about the mid-season update, click here to read the Call of Duty blog post.
With Classified Arms Reloaded right around the corner, plenty of exciting changes are on the horizon for Call of Duty. To never miss a thing, be sure to connect with IPC on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. You can also follow the author of this article YxngTexas.