Year after year, thousand upon thousands, even millions of players take to Call of Duty with a goal in mind: unlock the mastery camo. After speculation and leaks, much was unknown regarding Modern Warfare 2 mastery camos. However, after an intel-dump from Call of Duty, we now know what the mastery camos are and how to go about unlocking them. With a lot to cover let’s jump straight into it.

Challenge 1
As is typical in previous titles, every weapon will have a set of base camo challenges. These challenges range from a certain number of kills to kill streaks and more. However, completing all of these base challenges comes with a greater reward. Players that complete every base camo challenge for a weapon will unlock the Gold camo.

Challenge 2
Also typical to CoD, players that unlock gold for every weapon in a specific weapon class earn another reward. Additionally, players can swap out any base weapon for DLC weapon when they release. Essentially, if a player would rather unlock gold for a DLC AR than a base AR, progress will still count towards the next camo. After earning gold for the required number of weapons in a class, players will unlock the Platinum camo.

Challenge 3
After unlocking Platinum for a weapon class, a new set of challenges will unlock for each weapon in that class. Further, once players complete this new set of challenges they will receive a never-before-seen camo for their weapon. The camo? Polyatomic.

Challenge 4
Should none of those camos be enough, players can look towards the final mastery camo challenge. Unlocking Polyatomic on 51 weapons, currently the amount of base weapons, the final mastery camo will be unlocked. Should players complete the challenge of all challenges they will be rewarded with the Orion camo. Moreover, after unlocking Orion, any other gun that Polyatomic is earned for will be automatically upgraded to Orion.

To read even more about Modern Warfare 2 mastery camos, weapon challenges, and progression, click here to check out the Call of Duty blog.
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