Nuke Killstreak Coming To Black Ops Cold War

Nuke Killstreak Coming To Black Ops Cold War


Nuke killstreak? Nuke killstreak.

The tactical nuke has long been chased after by Call of Duty players as a reward for going on a thirty (and in some games 25) killstreak. However, never before has a Treyarch-developed Call of Duty title featured a callable tactical nuke; that is until now.

Earlier in the year with the release of Die Hardpoint, which has since been renamed to Cranked Hardpoint, players could call in a tactical nuke by going on a 25 gun-streak and capturing the objective. This brought plenty of excitement to Call of Duty fans who quickly thought that this could lead to the future installment of a tactical nuke into Black Ops Cold War and future Treyarch Call of Duty titles.

Nuke Killstreak

Earlier today, Treyarch confirmed these suspicions and announced via their Twitter and a blog post. Treyarch has officially announced that, coinciding with the beginning of Season 4 Reloaded on July 15th, a callable tactical nuke will be available in most game modes across Black Ops Cold War multiplayer. The nuke will not be available in League Play and CDL variants, multi-team modes, party games, and gunfight. Similar to the nuke seen in Cranked Hardpoint, this tactical nuke will not end the game but will kill all players on the map which is where there is a difference.

The news has sent shock waves through the Call of Duty community as players and content creators alike has been raving on Twitter about the newest killstreak coming to Black Ops Cold War. The chase for a nuclear medal is sure to heat up with the sweet prize of a callable tactical nuke waiting on the other side. Hop on into Black Ops Cold War’s multiplayer starting this Thursday to fight for Call of Duty’s most sought after killstreak.

With plenty of exciting content coming to Call of Duty in the coming days, be sure to connect with IPC on Twitter and Facebook for all things Call of Duty! You can also follow the author of this article YxngTexas.

About author


Callum is a veteran in the Call of Duty online community, writing and engaging with social media platforms for over 6 years - now with IPlayCoD as a lead editor, writer and social media manager.