Excitement grew when Treyarch was announced as the lead developer behind Vanguard zombies. However, when Vanguard was released, many people were surprised by the atypical zombies experience. That said, the typical zombies experience is coming back as round based zombies is coming to Vanguard.

A few months ago, Shi No Numa returned to Call of Duty through a portal in Der Anfang. With this, many players wondered if we would see a full-scale Shi No Numa in the future. As per a Treyarch blog post that is exactly what we are going to get. Treyarch confirmed that a round based zombies mode on a full-scale reimagined Shi No Numa is coming to Vanguard.

This revamped Shi No Numa comes complete with door buys, wall buys, a wonder weapon, and more familiar to CoD zombies veterans. Beyond this, the Dark Aether story, introduced in Black Ops Cold War, continues in Vanguard.

Treyarch plans to bring Shi No Numa to Vanguard after Season 3. However, Season 3 of zombies will have new updates and content. Players can expect new challenges, rewards, bug fixes, and more.
Shi No Numa is just the beginning; this new addition is just the foundation of what is to come. Additionally, players should expect lots of new content beyond what is revealed now.

To read more about round based zombies in Vanguard, and other exciting content from Treyarch, click here to read their blog post.
Plenty of exciting content is on the horizon for Call of Duty! With Season 3 just around the corner, players should expect a lot of exciting changes. Furthermore, Call of Duty teased some monster-sized things for Season 3. To never miss a thing, be sure to check out IPC on Twitter and Facebook. You can also follow the author of this article YxngTexas.