Champion Hill, the Alpha for Sledgehammer Games’ forthcoming title Call of Duty: Vanguard is here! Free to download for PlayStation users only, Champion Hill gives us players our first chance to hop into Vanguard.
Access to the Alpha is free, meaning you do not have to preorder Vanguard to be able to play. To download, head over to the PlayStation store and search for Call of Duty: Vanguard. From there, look for the Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha and download it. It is quite possible the Alpha will also appear on the homepage of the PlayStation Store. Servers are currently live and will close on Sunday August 29th at 10AM Pacific Time.

Players will load in with a duo or trio to try and become the Champions. To begin, everyone receives $500 of in-game cash to purchase and upgrade weapons, equipment, and perks. Then, players will fight other teams in one of four small maps. The members of the winning team receive a $1000 cash bonus. There are also other incentives to receive even more cash during the combat rounds. Squads battle until they have no lives remaining, but you can buy extra lives and find tokens for more during the battle rounds. The final battle begins when two squads remain who then duke-it-out in a battle to be named Champions.

The battles will take place on all four of the Champion Hill maps that will be available at launch. Further, the Champion Hill map is one massive map containing a central buy area and four combat maps in Airstrip, Courtyard, Market, and Trainyard.

For more information on the Alpha and other tips and tricks, click here for the blog post from Call of Duty!
Some creators were able to play the Vanguard Alpha early and provide some gameplay before servers went live. Be sure to check out our post on Facebook of early gameplay graciously provided by eColiEspresso by clicking here.

With more Vanguard news on the horizon including the forthcoming beta, the world of Call of Duty is sure to change! Be sure to follow IPC on Twitter and Facebook so you never miss a thing. You can also follow the author of this article YxngTexas.