Happy 115 Day, zombies fan! This day, celebrated on January 15th (1/15) “honors” Element 115, a major piece of the Call of Duty zombies story. Element 115 was first seen on Shi No Numa, a zombies map originally seen in World at War. To celebrate 115 Day this year, Shi No Numa has made its return to the Call of Duty franchise.

Players can now access Shi No Numa in Call of Duty: Vanguard. However, it cannot be accessed as its own map but rather through Der Anfang. Through a new Void objective, players can access this classic zombies map. However, getting to Shi No Numa will take a bit of effort.

Players must leave the Stalingrad Fountain spawn point through the northern portal and complete the specified objective. Players can then move through the previously blocked gates. Then, players should head for the objective in the building directly in front of them, then completing that objective as well. Finally, players can head up the stairs to Von List’s Office and enter the Void objective.

In the Void objective, players are transported to Shi No Numa where they play the round-based experience typical to Call of Duty zombies. Players can flee Shi No Numa every three rounds should they want and continue along the newly introduced quest.

The Dark Aether story, introduced through Black Ops Cold War, is returning in Vanguard. The Dark Aether entities, such as Kortifix, will definitely shake up the story. More information on this is sure to come in the future!

To read more, click here to read the Call of Duty blog.
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