Operation Monarch, the event bringing Godzilla and King Kong into Call of Duty: Warzone starts today. Initially, we received intel about this event with the reveal of the Season 3 Roadmap. Yesterday, we received plenty of need-to-know intel about this event. With a lot to cover, let’s jump right into it.

Operation Monarch is a limited-time mode on Caldera. This 60-player battle royale with a Resurgence rule-set will have players looking for more than just the win. A main objective of the mode is to find Monarch Intel through supply boxes, special drops, and fallen enemies. However, players can also earn Monarch Intel by attacking either Godzilla or King Kong.

In this mode, Monarch Intel is king. This intel can be spent to purchase streaks, loadouts, and even a monster-sized assist from either Titan. Godzilla and King Kong are gentle giants, for the most part. Be careful around them though, the two become recklessly aggressive during a Titan Frenzy.

At the start of an Operation Monarch match, and once more at another point during the match, a Titan Frenzy will begin. During this Titan Frenzy, Godzilla and King Kong go on the attack looking to destroy anything, or anyone, in their way. Players have two options, run and hide or fight back. While running might be the safer option, fighting back has its perks. The squad that does the most damage to the Titans during a Titan Frenzy gets automatic access to a S.C.R.E.A.M. Device. Runners-up will receive some Monarch Intel for their efforts.
A S.C.R.E.A.M. Device can be used to use an attack from either Godzilla or King Kong anywhere on Caldera. This attack deals a lot of damage.

To read more about Operation Monarch, click here to check out the Call of Duty blog.
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