Warzone Season 2 Reloaded Breakdown & Silo Locations

Warzone Season 2 Reloaded Breakdown & Silo Locations


Overnight, Raven Software released the latest patch, version 1.34, for Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 Reloaded. This patch brought about many changes to Warzone so without further ado let’s jump into what you can find!

The download size of this update are as follows:
PlayStation 5: 52.0 GB
PlayStation 4: 52.0 GB
Xbox Series X / Xbox Series S: 57.8 GB
Xbox One: 57.8 GB
PC: 52.4 GB (Warzone) / 133.6 GB (Warzone and Modern Warfare)

Modern Warfare saw the introduction three new maps: Killhouse (the classic CoD 4: Modern Warfare map), Al-Raab Airbase (6v6) and Drainage (gunfight).

Modern Warfare Killhouse

The newest patch for Warzone included a file management change that included a size reduction for both Warzone and Modern Warfare:

PlayStation 5: 10.9 GB (Warzone) / 30.6 GB (Warzone and Modern Warfare)
PlayStation 4: 10.9 GB (Warzone) / 30.6 GB (Warzone and Modern Warfare)
Xbox Series X/Xbox Series S: 14.2 GB (Warzone) / 33.6 GB (Warzone and Modern Warfare)
Xbox One: 14.2 GB (Warzone) / 33.6 GB (Warzone and Modern Warfare)
PC: 11.8 GB (Warzone) / 30.6 GB (Warzone and Modern Warfare)

The patch notes for update 1.34 include dev error fixes, gameplay updates including an updated tactical map, an AUG nerf, attachment changes, and a fix on the tracking for completing Baker’s fourth operator mission.

This also introduces two powerful new tools for purchase in exclusive locations around Verdansk. Both new additions need to be purchased from a Containment Monitor System found in any of the three weapons silos across the map. These silos can be found here:

Warzone Season 2 Reloaded

Firstly, Foresight – purchasable for $20,000, allows you (and all members of your team if playing duos/trios/quads) to see the location of ALL of the remaining circles, a powerful bit of information that can be used to influence how you rotate through the map.

Bombardment, a minute-long missile barrage that is dropped on zombie infected areas. Although you cannot use this streak to drop precisely on an enemy location, it is sure to cause harm to anyone inside its blast radius. To unlock the Bombardment streak, players must clear a zombie infected area and start the side mission, killing the required number of zombies to get the yellow key card used to unlock the yellow crate. If the “protocol key” comes out of this crate, take this card to a Containment Monitor Station and get yourself the Bombardment streak.

With plenty of new content on the horizon in Call of Duty, Warzone Season 2 Reloaded looks to be a banger, be sure to keep a lookout for plenty of content coming from IPC! You can also follow the writer of this article on social media @YxngTexas

About author


Callum is a veteran in the Call of Duty online community, writing and engaging with social media platforms for over 6 years - now with IPlayCoD as a lead editor, writer and social media manager.