Modern Warfare Warzone – Loot Rarities Explained

Modern Warfare Warzone – Loot Rarities Explained


The new Modern Warfare mode, Warzone is an epic 150 player battle royale filled with new content. Before you all drop into the warzone for the first time tomorrow at 8AM PT (if you own MW) or 12PM PT (if you don’t own MW), here’s a guide on the loot.

In Warzone, loot is a core mechanic, just like any BR. Each rarity in Warzone changes the amount of included attachments on the weapon. The loot rarities range from pink, all the way to Orange.

Loot Rarity (Lowest To Highest)

  • Player (Pink) – Weapons you spawn with – Starting pistol or custom loadout obtained from Loadout Drops
  • Common (Gray) – No Attachments
  • Uncommon (Green) – 1 attachment
  • Rare (Blue) – 3 attachments
  • Epic (Purple) – 4 attachments
  • Legendary (Orange) – Full (5) attachments
Legendary Loot – Warzone

Loot rarity above uncommon (blue, purple, orange) are mostly weapon blueprints. They include the weapon camos, custom name, and attachments.

For more Warzone information, be sure to read our article – Modern Warfare Warzone Mode Detailed! Also, stay tuned to our social media pages on Facebook and Twitter.